See more from the sky
UAV & Drone Services
Stockpile Surveys

Calculate stockpile volumes with greater accuracy, faster, and for less money than ever before using drone collected data. Paired with our sieve analysis, you get a true picture of your product.

Disturbance Assessments

Using drones we can analyze the areas disturbed by developments or natural disasters such as floods or land slides.

Topographic Mapping

Contour maps of the existing conditions can be created to better understand material volumes and elevation changes.

Surficial Modelling

By collecting topographic data with our drone technology we are able to generate 3-dimensional surficial models allowing us to analyze water flow paths.

Infrastructure Assessments

Drones allows us to provide companies with faster pipeline inspection surveys, right-of-way inspections, and well site surveys (pre and post construction).

Aerial Imagery

Up-to-date and high quality aerial imagery is captured using the drone and properly geo-referenced to provide a clearer picture of the current conditions.


Acres Surveyed


Stockpiles Surveyed


Satisfied Clients