Regulatory compliance and reclamation approval
Environmental Site Assessments
Predisturbance Assessments

Initial site investigations to record existing conditions to reduce liability.

Phase I - ESA

A non-intrusive site investigation and involves a historical review, site visit, and stakeholder interviews.

Phase II - ESA

Involves a field program to collect soil and water samples to determine type and extent of contamination.

Phase III - ESA

Determination and execution of the work required to remediate contaminated sites.

Phase I - Environmental Site Assessment

A Phase I assessment is completed to determine the potential for contaminants in soils and groundwater through non-invasive methods.

  • Review of the sites historical information such as past uses
  • Reconnaissance visit of the site
  • Interviews with people with knowledge of the site
  • Preparation of the report and recommended next steps
Phase II - Environmental Site Assessment

Depending on the results of a Phase I assessment an intrusive program might be required to determine the exact extent and type of contamination on the site. A Phase II typically consists of 3 parts:


Determining the number, location, and methods to be used to collect samples and install monitoring wells


Drilling or test pits are used to collect soil and water samples to be tested for specific contaminants. Water monitoring wells or piezometers are also commonly installed for future sample collection.


Results from the sampling program are summarized in a technical report and site models are developed to determine the appropriate next steps.

Phase III - Environmental Site Assessment

When contamination is found in the from a Phase II assessment, remediation is often required to return the site to within the acceptable levels.

  • Calculation of the contaminated material volume
  • The preparation of a remediation plan to remove of the contaminated materials
  • On-going testing to ensure the site meets required guidelines.
  • Reporting of the final remediation and reclamation of the site and disposal of the contamination